“PETA encourages video game companies to create games that celebrate animals – not games that promote hurting and killing them.” “Whaling – that is, shooting whales with harpoons and leaving them to struggle for an hour or more before they die or are hacked apart while they are still alive – may seem like something out of the history books, but this bloody industry still goes on today in the face of international condemnation, and it’s disgraceful for any game to glorify it,” the company shared within a statement to VentureBeat. That last part has angered People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), with whaling still occurring within the world today and that “it’s disgraceful for any game to glorify it.” Yesterday saw Ubisoft lift the lid on their plans for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, revealing that players will sail the high seas exploring jungles, plundering ships and harpooning whales