This is the iconic armor from the character creation screen when selecting a Jedi Knight!.This set is perfect for that cloaked look, while still providing some heavy protection against your attackers. While the Consular is known for their cloaks, and the same can also be said for the Guardian, it’s also a staple of the class to be heavily armored. How to acquire: Currently this set is not available on the Cartel Market for direct purchase, but you can still find this set on the GTN for around 25 million in-game credits. A simple armor set that can be seen on NPCs on Tython or Coruscant - this set blends in with the world for an immersive experience.If this CM version is out of your price range, there are plenty of look-alike armors (like the Aspiring Knight) that give you the same look but can be crafted! Only the female characters get this revealing look. For male characters, the midsection region of this armor set is covered in wrappings.

The best part? It’s practically free! In fact, you tend to make money while opening these crates and doing the heroics to earn them!Ī favorite among all classes, this set is a little more revealing, but looks like it allows for a lot more freedom of movement. The roll is random on what armor you get from opening the crate, so you may have to grind a lot of heroics before you get it. How to acquire: This set is acquired by turning in Alliance Artifact Crates to Sana-Rae at the Odessen headquarters (post Chapter 9 of Knights of the Fallen Empire as a prerequisite).