Make sure it is the multiplayer version ( Place the file in the mpmissions folder. Obtain the mission file from The Escape page. It requires no other mods or addons (other than Ravage and CBA) so it's easy to get going. I'm going to use The Escape for the purposes of this tutorial. Be careful not to put it in the missions folder as that is designed for single player missions and will not show up on the mission list in multiplayer. Place your mission file in the mpmissions folder inside your ArmA 3 folder. And it's not made for multiplayer anyway. Also, it is built into another file (along with other stuff), so you would need to extract it in order to use it. The Altis demonstration mission that is included with Ravage is not a suitable file. You will also need a multiplayer mission file. If Ravage and CBA aren't in the 'Loaded mods' section, they will not be able to connect. Every player connecting to the game will have to have the and folder installed and loaded in order to connect to you. Chances are you've already got these because you've played Ravage single player. You should ensure that you have the and folder in your ArmA 3 folder. Your friends should then be able to join you. To run Ravage multiplayer as a hosted session involves placing a couple of files in the right place and setting up a game. For instance, Doctor X was primarily designed for single player and may have some incomplete multiplayer functions. This list is not complete and should not be taken to guarantee the functionality of individual missions.

With 0.1.35, Ravage now supports multiplayer.